Be Giving

“Be giving, forgiving, compassionate and loving.”

You gotta love a cup of tea that comes with an inspirational message.

Julie gave me this fun mug for my birthday and when I drink from it I think of her and smile. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. I brought her with me to work and it was like having my friend with me.

Speaking of my giving and loving friend, today she sent in a healthy breakfast for our bright and early team meeting. What a sweet and caring surprise. I love her and the breakfast parfait was quite a treat too. I am so lucky!

I am surrounded by giving and loving friends and family and they sure make life sweet. Last night Pat baked three different types of cookies for our PEO meeting to share with all of us. And today Sam took me out to lunch because he thought I needed to get out of the office. I want to be like them when I grow up! Or maybe I am practicing being like them, while I grow up.

Tonight Juliana and I baked Snickerdoodle cookies to share and give away. As she was packing up some up to take with her to share with her friend, she said that I had rubbed off on her. I smiled. Today was good.

Life. Full circle. Karma. Connection. Thankful.

I am content and can’t wait to share cookies and tea again tomorrow.

Namaste BeLoveRs.



“we’re in lockdown”

These are not words you want to receive from your daughter and son.

“i’m scared”

Me too.

The lockdown didn’t last long. Just long enough for adrenaline to rush through my veins and to leave me shaken again. Vulnerable. Afraid. Helpless. Nervous. Scared. Angry.

“we’re on the ground”

Stay calm. Breathe. Do what they tell you and cooperate. Fight if you have to.

What the hell are these words?

I hated this afternoon. I hated the feelings that some teenager walking with a toy gun created for our family, our friends and our community.

Luckily they were freed and everyone was safe and physically unharmed. Emotionally, I still don’t feel good, even though the situation didn’t last very long. I felt helpless and mad that my kids had to experience this fear and had to lie on the ground without knowing if they were safe or not, while I helplessly waited for their homecoming.

When they came home, I cried and hugged them and cleared my schedule. I was thankful that the local police had the situation under control immediately and the kids were freed to come home to their worried mama, who was texting and calling and searching for answers while I anxiously waited.

When they came home, we all sat on the couch and watched Gilmore Girls on Netflix. We didn’t stress about dinner or homework. Afterwards, Juliana and I went to relax and got pedicures together, on a Monday at dinner time, instead. This made me happy.

Hug your kids and loved ones and enjoy the shared moments.

nAMaste BeLoveRs. Carry on. All is well.







I am HFSS – Happy For Simple Stuff! 

Remember how I shared that I am seeking rhythm to my life? It’s coming!! I can feel it.  I like to do a lot of stuff and fill my days and I just added full time work to the mix. Now I need help to do it all, and I’m not that good at asking, but I’m practicing and it’s working.

I got up early this morning and enjoyed snuggles and coffee in bed before making French toast for breakfast for everyone and prepping dinner.

 I then got an hour+ of work in before the kids went off to school. My friend dropped them off for me today, which gave me extra time for which I was thankful.

I then picked up the house a bit and started a load of laundry before meeting my friend for a hike at our favorite place.  I asked my new work partner for help, while I was gone and she was a Godsend!  I enjoyed a gorgeous and slightly wet, and slightly muddy  trek, out in nature, finding joy being out in nature.


I was able to work for another several hours afterwards before leaving again for the first swim meet of the season. 


I am thankful for a flexible job that allows me to work and play and be with my family and swirl it all together.  The swim meet ran longer than I expected and I had to ask for help at my volunteer job and also of my husband to start the dinner I had earlier prepped. I was very happy to be able to be with my kids, enjoying their competitive sports and sitting with my friends in the bleachers.

I came home with the big kids to find dinner cooking on the stove, with my husband in the kitchen and I jumped for joy. Literally! I asked for help and he delivered. HFSS.

Because he was able to help with dinner, the big kids had a healthy meal and were able to come home, eat and run again.  Christian is able to drive them now so I got to sit home and enjoy a quick meal with my honey. HFSS.

This is the best day. I love how things flowed and I found a rhythm to do it all with a little help from my friends and family. Now, back to work! I have a few things to wrap up before getting some rest.

How was your rhythm today? Did you live it up?

Life is good!


Living in the Sunshine

I stopped to see the beach and to listen to the waves for 5 minutes before heading home, because I was really “busy” today. 

We were going to sit in the hot tub and drink our coffee, but we didn’t. We went for a walk with the kids instead.

We were going to go for a drive to test out my friend’s new car, but we didn’t. We sat on the patio and watched the hawks circling overhead instead.

We were going to make lunch, but rather we put out fruit and meat and cheese and told everyone to help themselves.

We joyfully watched the kids play all day, appreciating them still being kids. We relaxed in the sunshine and talked the day away and there was nothing else I would have rather done. We were very busy, being.

We flowed and danced and loved being together side by side, enjoying our kids and our friendship and living our happily ever after in the sunshine. This is it. This is my version of the best life. Thank you my friend, for sharing your weekend and family and home and thoughts with me. xo

How did you live it up today? What does your happily ever after look like?  Be well, BeLOVErs.

Living Like a Kid

This my friends, is the secret to life. Playing and laughing and loving without fear. Not worrying about what your hair looks like or how many wrinkles you have or if your shoulder hurts. Just pure joy and being in the moment and catching some air.    
Let’s grow down instead of up!


Back Story

  You know there’s always a back story to what we see and read.

Facebook and Instagram and blogging and family photos and parties and  e-V-e-R-y-T-h-I-n-G is a show. They represent the-best-of-our life show!  But there’s typically the behind the scenes events we don’t share.  Only the people closest to us get to see and really know and get the back stage pass.

We work hard every day to hold it together, to shine, to be prepared, to show up, to be the best we can be and it takes work and struggles and makeup and cute clothes and wigs. Yeah, we all have a wig or a mask that we wear. Yep, we do. Quick, smile, you’re on candid camera!!

I choose to share the highlights and yet there is usually a back story. Sometimes the back story helps me to actually write my story after I stop and digest and reflect to glean the good.

Today one of my BFFs shared this with me after I gave her a back stage pass to one of my posts:  “I love the way your back stories always end with a silver lining. You seek it out and recognize it. That’s your gift.”

We all have our struggles. We are all learning and adapting and doing the best we can. Isn’t that a beautiful thing?  We’re doing something right and sharing the (high)lights and creating our love stories every day. I love seeing your snapchat stories, Instagram posts, blogs and Facebook status updates. You’re the best reality TV! Keep shining. Keep sharing. Keep living it up.

nAMaste and thank you my friend for sharing your words of wisdom.


Rooted in Love

Today we celebrated a wonderful woman whose love and light touched so many.

Her service lasted for two hours, before lunch was even served, because there were so many meaningful stories and songs and love to share. It was amazing to witness.

She loved life and was the best she could be. She fought cancer and never gave up. They told her she had five months to live and she fought and survived for almost six years, until the cancer completely consumed her.

There were several lessons I learned today and throughout the years from her. The thing that stood out the most to me was how she really lived out her values every day and loved everyone, sharing a smile and conversation and connections, always. 

She knew who she was and what was important to her and she lived accordingly, creating the best life possible, for herself, her husband, her family and for all those with whom she associated.

I admire her and how she chose to live it up, love it out, sing out loud, and to love everyone and to be of service. She had a clear purpose and was rooted, solid, and graceful.

God speed, Mom #2.  Thank you for being an angel on earth and now an angel in heaven. 

“So,there! Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Shine it.”  Shine on, bright star.


Changing Seasons

This is looking up into the sky from the underside of the big tree in my front yard.  I’ve been waiting for her magic show to open and today was the big day for me to show up and see her in her colorful glory.

I love watching her change every day and seeing her sisters all lined up and down the street, welcoming us home every day in an array of beautifully mixed colors. They are gorgeous and represent that the holidays are coming and that it’s cold outside. 

I will enjoy these moments before the leaves begin to fall. And then I’ll enjoy those moments too of purity and nakedness and clean, visual structures. 

As the world rushes by, remember to slow down and enjoy the magic that swirls around you and live in your moment, right now and share your story of being with those you love.


The Greatest Gift Is Love

I am the luckiest girl in the world. 

My mama and pops came to see me again. I think we should make this an annual tradition.

They came for no special reason and just because they love me and because I was home sick and was having parent withdrawals! 

We shared a glass of wine before dinner and just chatted and caught up with our busy lives. I kept sitting on my mama and hugging her, and rubbing my toes on her feet, kissing her and soaking all of her in. 

I made a big pot of Thai yellow curry, jasmine rice and pickled cucumbers for dinner and served pumpkin pie and ice cream for dessert.  After dinner, we watched some baseball and snuggled on the couch. I am so thankful they are here with me to just sit and be.

These are my favorite days.

Life is good.




Isn’t that a fun word?  

It has a great ring to it and is fun to say out loud.

I love to swirl through crowds and to swirl my hair. I love swirling around my kitchen and through my house.  I love it when Jeff comes up and quickly surprises me and swirls me around. Some days there is so much stuff in my head that it gets all swirled together and I feel like my head is spinning.  But in a good sort of way.  

Tonight I was at Juliana’s evening water polo game and captured this fun, swirling image after their exciting win:

What’s swirling around in your head this week?  I hope you enjoy the spin and wherever it takes you.
