Living in the Sunshine

I stopped to see the beach and to listen to the waves for 5 minutes before heading home, because I was really “busy” today. 

We were going to sit in the hot tub and drink our coffee, but we didn’t. We went for a walk with the kids instead.

We were going to go for a drive to test out my friend’s new car, but we didn’t. We sat on the patio and watched the hawks circling overhead instead.

We were going to make lunch, but rather we put out fruit and meat and cheese and told everyone to help themselves.

We joyfully watched the kids play all day, appreciating them still being kids. We relaxed in the sunshine and talked the day away and there was nothing else I would have rather done. We were very busy, being.

We flowed and danced and loved being together side by side, enjoying our kids and our friendship and living our happily ever after in the sunshine. This is it. This is my version of the best life. Thank you my friend, for sharing your weekend and family and home and thoughts with me. xo

How did you live it up today? What does your happily ever after look like?  Be well, BeLOVErs.

End of Summer

Wishing everyone a happy end of summer and smooth transition to the next season.  Give it your best and practice being the best version of wonderful YOU!  

Today we enjoyed the cool, foggy beach and escaped the Bay Area heatwave to celebrate Summer Sweet 16 Birthdays with friends.  


Dolphins kept swimming in front of us and a sea lion was looking to make friends in knee deep water.The boys dug a deep hole that kept them occupied for hours!  All 14 kids were in the water boogie boarding and body surfing.  


They also gathered in a big circle to play ball and when they were done, they arranged their towels in a circle too so they could all enjoy being together.

We sang happy birthday and ate colorful, neon cupcakes.

I am thankful that my kids have picked great friends and that I am great friends with their friends’ mamas. I loved being at the beach today, my happy place, with my kids, my friends, and their friends. Thank you to K&K for being great party planners and driving today and to L for driving and hanging out too!

Life is good.  


The Plus Side

There’s always a plus side. It’s just sometimes challenging to see it when you’re feeling or looking at the negative side.

Today I found balance. Oh, how I love balance. The yin and the yang is great and where there is balance, there is peace.

I volunteered this morning and had time to chat with my sweet friend, E.  I loved catching up and working side by side and having some “me” time.

I did a little cooking and cleaning and chauffeuring.  And then I spent the afternoon and evening with my baby girl. We had a girl’s day planned and I loved every minute being with her.

We went and got bubble teas and drank them as we drove over to downtown Campbell. We strolled through the boutiques and shops, looking for back to school clothes and shoes, sharing ideas and laughter. She picked out the latest Rainbow thongs, which are apparently as cool as Uggs, a cute tank top, and two rompers. We got our hair cut and straightened and loved being at the salon together, taking our time with no rush.

We weren’t quite hungry and we weren’t quite ready to go home, so we decided to stop in at Capers to see my friend as we often do after hair cuts nearby.  This was a great way to end the day. The food and company was just what we needed.

It was nice to enjoy a day with my teenager (who will always be my baby girl). I am happy that she wanted to spend the day with me and that we both enjoyed each other’s company.

I am lucky and content. Growing up isn’t so bad after all. It’s just another chapter I wasn’t ready to begin and I think it’s gonna be a good one. 



Lake Shoreline 

I don’t think of Shoreline as Lake Shoreline, but I saw a hat and a shirt today that had this statement written on them.  I think of Shoreline as this place by the Bay with goose poop that is land locked by the Google Complex.  

It is a little lake and people do enjoy being on and near it. I just think of it as a man made body of water and not as a lake lake, where you want to hang out. 

But today my opinion changed. The boys have been wanting to play together and have asked for a week or two if they could rent a paddle boat.  We finally made the time work today and their wish came true.  

We lived in the sunshine, again! As they paddled, I sat on the shore and read a book and checked email.  I was happy they were out together keeping each other company and I could relax for a bit and  keep an eye on them from my chair since the lake isn’t that big.  


Lots of kids were out enjoying paddle boarding, wind surfing, kayaking, and sailing. It was a gorgeous day again in California and I was happy to have a day at the Lake after all.

There are so many beautiful places in Silicon Valley and I probably am only scratching the surface. I wonder what other unknown outdoor places are waiting to be discovered. Do share if you have a favorite.

Life is good!

Things Aren’t Always the Way They Seem

Be careful how much you read into other people’s photos or stories or headlines. Things aren’t always the way they seem and I think we need to remember this as we journey together through social media and the news.

I am a true idealist. I have big dreams, always. I create playlists in my head about how I think things should be.

Today I took the kids to Raging Waters because this was the wish of the little one. He wanted his siblings to spend the day with him and play and this was his dream, since he had a season pass. We made it happen and here is proof:

As I was taking this picture after we ate lunch, I was thinking of the morning and how the big ones protested. They didn’t want to go to a water park today. I know, crazy thought, but true. Who has to beg to bring kids to a water park to hang out and enjoy outdoor adventures together?  This is ridiculous, I know. But this was my truth and you’d never know from this picture of my happily ever after moment.  We are perfectly imperfect, remember?

I think this picture symbolizes probably a lot of other moments we see on our screens.  Everything looks happy yet there were arguments and frustrations before the snapshot. LB and I used to call these our Norman Rockwell moments where we had to take 50 shots to capture the one moment where we all looked happy at the same time so that we could remember what we envisioned in our heads.  This makes me laugh and I hope you can share this connection and say, “Yeah!! That’s so true and real and funny!”

We actually were enjoying THIS moment.  It was just the journey getting here that was frustrating, but of course that wouldn’t make for a happy story.

I did actually learn some things today about raising teenagers. I learned I need to make quicker decisions. I learned that even when they aren’t interested, they sometimes are. And I learned to practice patience. They all came around and we had a great day together, living in the sunshine.


Life is good.