Be Giving

“Be giving, forgiving, compassionate and loving.”

You gotta love a cup of tea that comes with an inspirational message.

Julie gave me this fun mug for my birthday and when I drink from it I think of her and smile. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. I brought her with me to work and it was like having my friend with me.

Speaking of my giving and loving friend, today she sent in a healthy breakfast for our bright and early team meeting. What a sweet and caring surprise. I love her and the breakfast parfait was quite a treat too. I am so lucky!

I am surrounded by giving and loving friends and family and they sure make life sweet. Last night Pat baked three different types of cookies for our PEO meeting to share with all of us. And today Sam took me out to lunch because he thought I needed to get out of the office. I want to be like them when I grow up! Or maybe I am practicing being like them, while I grow up.

Tonight Juliana and I baked Snickerdoodle cookies to share and give away. As she was packing up some up to take with her to share with her friend, she said that I had rubbed off on her. I smiled. Today was good.

Life. Full circle. Karma. Connection. Thankful.

I am content and can’t wait to share cookies and tea again tomorrow.

Namaste BeLoveRs.


Be Human 

I love us. I love all of us.

I think civil rights is about loving all of us and treating each other with dignity and respect, whether we want to or not, whether we agree or disagree, whether we are the same or different in a myriad of ways. It’s like the yin and yang thing and we can practice together being human and celebrating one another and learning from each other.

This MLK day gives us the opportunity to hold hands and to lift each other up again, and to listen to one another, especially with all the fear and anxiety that swirls around our society. We’re okay, you and me and them too.  Keep seeing the good and loving one another. The light in me acknowledges the light in you. 


One Love

Today I was validated. Over and over again. This is a great feeling, one that we all want, and I am thankful for the experience and this one beautiful life I’ve been given. Thanks mom and dad, for giving me this opportunity to live it up, to love this life and to laugh out loud!!

Today was chaotic and great.

I flowed. I loved. I was present. 

I enjoyed my family and friends and work and yoga. It doesn’t get much better than this.

My friend chose to come stay with me last night and left today, and before she left, she surprised me with this gift that I found on my desk after uber came to pick her up and take her to the airport, so that I could be at my kids’ sporting events.

During our short time together, I shared with her that I haven’t been blogging as much lately and that I’ve been sitting with the feeling of accepting this slower pace, and not quite giving it up and not quite sure the direction it would take. I have been blogging daily for 4 years and lately have slowed down and am figuring out what the future holds.

She gave me this gift of a journal and a sticker with my favorite thought, One Love. She gets me. She wants me to continue to write, even if I choose to write privately and she encouraged me to continue my passion and to consider writing children’s stories, based on the parenting practices we shared, and practice every day.

Thank you, Jen, for this gift and for the inspiration and spark and for choosing to come spend time with me! 

I love you!   One Love…let’s make America great, one moment at a time!! xoxo

Call Your Friends

I picked up the phone today and called a friend. She didn’t answer and usually I would hang up, but today I left a message and I Am happy that I did.

I told her that I would be near her house this afternoon and would love to drop by and see her, if her schedule was open at all. Lucky for me, she noticed that I called, checked her message and called me back, right as I was getting ready to go out again and we were able to connect.

She invited Jeff and I to her house and we enjoyed an hour or so together, chit chatting and catching up right at dinner time and before her PTA meeting and between our kids’ soccer practice and polo matches. While we were talking, she whipped up fish tacos for her family and insisted that we eat with her and that she had plenty.

I can’t tell you (well, actually I guess I am sharing right now) how cool this moment was. This was living happily ever after right now, and saying yes, and not being too busy, or too tired or too anything (even though we are). We showed up, sat around the table and enjoyed each other’s company in the middle of the day on a Tuesday. I loved this, can you tell?

Thank you Susanne! You made my day. 

If you’re thinking of a friend, try calling them. They just might make your day and dinner. xoxo

P.S. Thank you Charlie for inspiring me to write tonight and asking me what made me happy today.

Day 64: Summer

I think I’m ready to slow down my writing again as I wrap up summer this week. Maybe tomorrow will be a good day to stop, on day 65. Maybe after day 65 of summer and before we start school again would be a good time to transition. That’s what I’m thinking today. The last time I attempted to stop writing, I kept on going. We’ll see…

Today I enjoyed my BFFs at Testarossa winery for a picnic. It was so much fun to have some downtime and some girl time together today.

Life is good.

Day 63: Summer

Today I am thankful for these beautiful ladies. Our babies are seniors in high school this year and have been friends forever. 

We hosted a summer birthday celebration at the beach today before they all start their last year together. I am thankful that when we moved back from Holland, that these friends were planning their annual birthday celebration and invited us to join them and we’ve been celebrating ever since. 

It was a cold day at the beach, but it was fun to be there never the less. When we arrived, the parking attendant shared that there was a shark sighting 100 yards off the shore, so the kids stayed out of the water besides splashing around on the shore.  They had fun playing with full sized shovels and digging holes and building ramps.  They enjoyed eating chips, fruit, candy and Subway sandwiches, but not necessarily in that order. A day at the beach is always a good day.

Life is good.  

Day 60: Summer

My eyes are red. I was going to post a picture but it was too freaky. They are red because I am over tired, but not because I was crying or sad. I am writing earlier than usual tonight and plan to go to sleep earlier too, to clear the red out, I hope.

People are starting to go back to school, which means summer is almost over. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but probably feeling a bit of the yin and yang. Has it really been 60 days already? I think I’m ready for another change again?!?

My sister was supposed to come visit today but she was sick and had to postpone her trip. This does make me sad as I was looking forward to her company and hope she feels better. We were hoping for one last hurrah before the structured days set in again. Now we will have to wait. 

How was your day? Did things go as planned or did you have to adapt too?

Wishing you peace, wherever you are! xoxo Adriana

Day 59: Summer

Tonight I’m thankful for our camping friends who invited us to come join them for the day. This is glamping, staycation style and I loved it and brought the smell of the campfire home with me. How did I get so lucky? 

Thank you friends!! We had a great, windy, cold, fun time with you. 


Day 56: Summer

How often do you try something new? 

Tonight I tried grilled teriyaki squid and even though it looked intimidating and weird, it was chewy and delicious!

We enjoyed a potluck at our pool club with friends and noticed that the weather is beginning to cool down. Fall feels like it might be coming early.

Have a great weekend!