I Am Well. You Are Well.

Hello BeLoveDs. Happy Saturday during the time of Covid from my ShelterIn Place….my backyard yoga mat.

My ShelterIn Place

Everyone should have one…that place to go inside and dwell for a little while.

Think of this place as a gift from the present time, of a pandemic, and the call to shelter in place. Maybe the call is bigger than that? Maybe the call is to learn to slow down and find stillness from within.

This morning I enjoyed listening to Oprah talk about well being and focus on a zoom call posted on Facebook. I love technology. I rolled out my mat and listened while I flowed through my own practice and ended with the meditation that was shared at the end of the online meeting. What a gift! Thank you, Oprah for sharing your wellness journey.

My friend…I love when you stop by.
Be Well BeLoveDs.

My wish for you is to enjoy this day, as it unfolds. Stay well.


My Yoga Practice

I love going to yoga and am always so thankful after my practice.

My body needs to stretch and move and exercise and relax.

My mind needs the calmness and centeredness that yoga delivers.

I love my yoga teacher and seeing my friends in class, by my side.  I feel connected.

I love the feeling of completion and accomplishment at the end and I always look forward to going back again.

Yoga is my thing.  What is your thing?  What grounds you? What do you love to do?



What makes you feel rooted?

What makes you feel established and firmly grounded?

Where is your place, where you feel you belong?

I think growing older is a beautiful thing because I can feel myself more rooted in knowing who I am and what is important to me. These 2 things guide my daily choices, decisions and reactions to life’s daily events, opportunities, changes and challenges.

I am continuously learning and practicing (and failing) and connecting to all that is good and letting go of all that troubles me to live the best life possible, every day, moment to moment. I know this sounds dorky, but it’s true. It’s how I think and it works for me.

I wish the same for you, that you feel rooted and loved and valued and connected to this good life and to one another.
One Love.

Create Space

I’m loving the idea of creating space.

What does this mean to you?

Can you create space between your breathes?  In yoga today, at the end of our practice, Melissa had us take a deep breathe in and hold it. She then told us to breathe in a little more and hold it. And to do it once again. As we held our breathe and were thinking we were out of space in our lungs, we found more 3 times. We created more space and filled it with deep, full breathes and then let it all out. This felt so good.

We also used our breathe to stretch into a deeper stretch with each exhale. We closed the space to go deeper.

What about white space? Cassie has been using a white canvas to create space to display the things she discovers each day. In creating a clean, repeatable space, we her audience anticipate what she will find and present in this beautiful, simple space.

Here’s an example of her beautifully filled, magical space:  http://www.cassiacogger.com/blog/2015/9/26/on-magic-and-participation

Do you need more closet space? Try reading the Marie Kondo book to learn about the importance of creating meaningful and tidy spaces. You can find it on Amazon: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

What about space in your relationships? Are you giving your partner and/or yourself some breathing room? Togetherness is a wonderful thing, but so is time alone to do what you love and to be who you want to be. I’ve noticed that when I create and give space, intimacy fills it. When I try to fill the space by being too needy or demanding, the space becomes like a vacuum and connections are lost. This one is the most fascinating to me. It represents so clearly the push and pull we feel everyday, that yin and yang of tensions and desires.

How about at the end of the day? Do you leave space and time to unwind? Do you create space to snuggle with your kids or partner or pets instead of doing one more chore or checking one more email? I was resisting and practicing this one tonight. I so wanted to do the dishes and get the coffee ready, instead of indulging in snuggles and conversation. I wanted to get stuff done. I didn’t want to snuggle, yet I opened the space to the opportunity that presented itself and the space and love connection grew. I made the right choice, even though I struggled to give in to the calling. Love the little mentors in my life.

Can you do nothing? Can you sit still and allow yourself to be present and to just close your eyes and BE in the space you’re in without any expectations or worry? Sounds easy, but it’s not. Go ahead, try it. See where your mind goes and try to bring it back to the present moment again.

Enjoy the thought of creating your own space. What does it look like? What does it feel like? You get to choose. Just do it.


This Moment

Are you living it up? Are you doing exactly what you want to be doing? If not this moment, then when? 

I believe in living in the moment and maximizing doing what I love, every day in addition to the work required to keep things flowing, of course.

I’ve realized that my favorite things to do are spending time with family and friends doing whatever and usually that means eating and traveling and exercising and experiencing new things and helping others. So I guess those are my favorite things…  What are your favorite ways of spending the day?

Today my friends were gathering in the city so I drove up to be with them and to enjoy their presence. I adore them and was so happy to have a few hours together. 

While I was gone, my boys got started painting a room which made me very happy. I came home to help with the finishing touches for day 1 and the first coat before we had dinner together.

I love this moment, this life, right now. And you. And you? 


wishing you love and peace.


Cabo Yoga

This is what it looks like living it up in Cabo with my BFFs, in the sun, doing yoga and loving life.   

My smile says it all.


Isn’t she amazing?  It is such a joy to watch her practice and to be with her and all the other awesome women. 

I am so grateful to have been invited on this trip and am thankful that my mama came to look after everyone while I am away.  

I am lucky. 

Thank you thank you thank you!


Yoga Fun

I had the best weekend and was still on a high today thinking about all that was good.

On Thursday, I went to Rachel Brathen’s book signing and was filled with her joyful spirit and love.

I got to spend time with my BFFS in San Francisco and do yoga with them and Yoga Girl!

Can you find me in this group photo?

I was giddy with joy.

And then I was selected  to do yoga with my baby girl and Ringo the Gringo at a top secret location for 40 people that was beautiful!

This was a first for me and I loved every minute of it.

Now I’m energized and want to do yoga every damn day!

I love getting out of bed and doing a few stretches but I don’t do many sun salutations. I think I have a new goal for myself.

What do you absolutely love to do and are you making time to do it?  I hope so. Do what makes you happy!

nAMaste BeLoveRs.  Be sure you’re taking care of yourself and carving out time to do what you love. We only live once!!  xo

The Happiness Tour – Yoga Girl in SF

It was a beautiful day to celebrate a birthday and be with girlfriends this weekend.


I love San Francisco.

I love time away with my girlfriends and I love yoga.

We spent the morning enjoying a delightful breakfast and then walked to the ferry building, stopping along the way to shop with the street vendors on Market Street. We had a blast and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

We were in the city to take a yoga class with Rachel Brathen at the Regency Ballroom on Van Ness.

Her class was amazing and full of love and light and good yoga!!

We were so happy to be there, celebrating S’s birthday, enjoying new poses and learning from Yoga Girl!

It was just one of those days where everything is right in the world at this moment.

It was the first stop on The Happiness Tour and we were giddy! I think she’s onto something big!!

I Am happy and tired, so goodnight BeLoveRs. Live your dream, one day at a time!!



Yoga Girl

Juliana and Jessica and I met her tonight and I am in love! She’s kind of like a big deal and has written a New York Times Bestseller. Rachel Brathen, you’re my girl crush!!

I don’t remember when we first met, or why – I’m guessing someone shared a photo or something on Facebook and then I started following her years ago on Instagram. She has a BOGA Yoga board just like me, so she’s really RAD!

She has used social media to build a huge following and now has a best seller book. How cool is that?


She reminds me of Jessica Herrin, from Stella & Dot, using social media to build her empire. She could totally build one if she wanted to and I have a feeing she just might. I’m loving watching her journey and seeing where she goes and what she builds.

She was in Mountain View tonight for a book signing and we had front row seats where I could see her eyes sparkle.

She speaks from the heart and is authentic and real and patient and kind. I loved how she lovingly answered questions from the sold out crowd and how she made people happy.

I asked her how she took care of herself, after sharing so much of herself freely with the world and traveling everywhere. She said she makes appointments for herself to do her own yoga practice, meditations, acupuncture, dates with her husband, etc, and drinks a lot of wine. She is my twin!! Can you see why I love her?

If you haven’t discovered her yet, check her out for inspiration!

Instagram: @yoga_girl

Website: http://rachelbrathen.com

Thank you Rachel for signing my book and for the hug and photo together. I love that you brought along your husband and Ringo and your friends and photographer. They all seem so proud and supportive of you too. You are beautiful inside and out.

You made my day and I wish you well!


I Am White

I am white, privileged they say. I am so much more than my skin color and so are you. I never refer to myself as white except on forms, and it’s uncomfortable to me to talk about race because I prefer to think of us all as humans, part of the human race.

I think I was the only white girl in my yoga class today in Silicon Valley. I was aware of our differences and being a minority, but this is normal to me where I live as there are 26 different languages spoken at the homes of the children in our local school.

At the end of our class, our teacher asked all 20+ of to sit in a circle. As it’s the week of Thanksgiving, she wanted us to take a moment to say our name and introduce ourselves to one another and share one thing we are thankful for. There were people of Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Indian,and European descents, that I could recognize and I’m sure there were more.

As we went around the circle, several names I cannot remember as they are different from the names I am familiar with and have never heard before. What was the same between us though, were our gifts of gratitude. We all expressed thanks for similar things such as family, health, love, our work, our beautiful lives and being present and thankful for our yoga class and instructor.

I Am privileged because I was surrounded by all these wonderful people who are different than me and yet we are the same. I felt a connection in our little, diverse yoga community. I see these people every week, but we don’t usually speak to one another, as it’s a one hour yoga class and I do not know the others. Sitting in this circle and sharing something about ourselves made a connection for me and for this I was thankful.

I Am in love with humanity and all that is good in all of us.

I Am sad for all who are in pain and suffering, and especially those in Ferguson.

Love sees no color.

We all want the same things and we need to do the work to create the things we love. I want us all to be on the same team.

I Am sad that there are inequalities and unfairness in the world.

I was listening to Dj Boogie D from St. Louis this morning on NPR, as he was responding to the unrest in Ferguson. He said that we need to change and look forward, despite what has happened in the past, and he didn’t know what that change looked like just yet and was using his airways on the radio station to let peoples’ voices be heard.

I want to be part of the positive change in this world. We can celebrate our oneness, our sameness by embracing and seeing the good in each other and changing the conversation to lift each other up, to forgive one another and to help one another. I think we can take care of each other by being kind, loving, and respectful to ourselves and to each other, always, even when someone hurts us. I think this change comes from being curious about each other and wanting to know more and looking for the connections in our shared values and interests.

I wish for love and peace and justice in this fragmented world, BeLoveRs.

Namaste…the light in me honors the light in you.