
Do you ever have a word that just resonates with you?

I was talking about trying to figure out how to balance work and family and personal interests, as I transition into my “new” job. I was asking for advice from my friends and one person said to prioritize my kids as they grow up too quickly. Another one told me not to focus on balance and that balance was a myth. She recommended that I search for a rhythm that works for me.


I’ve never thought about life like that, and searching for my rhythm. When I think of rhythm, I think of flow and peace and things being in sync. There are highs and lows, soft sounds and loud sounds and harmony and the elements work together to create something great. 

Thinking of defining the rhythm of life, at this moment, was peaceful to me and helped me to frame the transition that I’m experiencing. This is my word of the week.

What word resonates with you?


God Bless You

I saw this on a license plate frame on a car parked next to mine in the parking lot, after returning from an ornament exchange party tonight. It made me think about the expression and what it means and why we say it.

God bless you.

It’s kind of like, “Hello, how are you?” and “Namaste.”

It’s kind of like a receipt of acknowledgement of our presence and seeing the good in one another.

It’s a beautiful expression.

I think that God is Love – One Love, whether you’re Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Atheist, Buddhist, Black, White, Asian, Mexican, male or female. We are One Love, collectively, and maybe that can be our shared belief that changes and connects our hurting world. 

What we see, is what we create. See love. Acknowledge it in yourself and others and change the world through the power of one. You!

God Bless You, for being you, exactly as you are, BeLoveRs. You are beautiful.




Today I read a post on Facebook by Mark Zuckerberg that caught my interest.

He and his wife are expecting their first baby and he is planning on taking two months off from work to be with his child. I cheered out loud! Yes!!  Yes!! Yes!!

He stated that this is a personal decision and that research shows that when working parents take time to be with their newborns, outcomes are better for the children and families. 

Imagine that?  When parents, especially dads, decide to invest their time in family bonding and learning and growing together from the very beginning, the outcomes are better.  Isn’t that a great plan? I love that he’s able to and is making his family a priority.

Facebook offers their US employees up to 4 months of paid maternity or paternity leave which they can take throughout the year.  I hope that he is a leader in corporate America and that other companies follow his lead.

Tonight Juliana and I were walking in Campbell and we saw a big, hunky guy sitting outside Starbucks by himself, except he was pushing a stroller back and forth. This made us both smile and warmed my heart. I loved this picture of a good looking guy, relaxing and pushing a stroller. This was another great image to me. I hope this guy becomes a role model for other men.

I think Mark’s story and seeing the guy with the stroller touched me because I love that men are caring about their wives and children this way. It makes me feel like they are interested in building their family foundation and legacy and this is valuable to me and to American society.

I love this way of thinking. Cheers to participative fathers!  

One love.


Their Mothers

We celebrated our friend today, who is preparing to give life to a newborn son in a few weeks. She was glowing with joy and anticipation, thinking about what to name him and getting his nursery ready for his arrival.  We were so happy to see her and to share her excitement and to shower her with gifts and love and friendship.

Although we were celebrating new life, my mind kept wandering to Paris and the shock and loss of life and terror that has risen again over night. I kept thinking of the men who chose to end their own lives by blowing themselves up and wondered about their mothers and their childhoods. Who are these children that grew up to think that death was the way of life? How did they come to choose this path? I don’t understand, from a mother’s viewpoint. I don’t understand hate.

One mother raised three suspected terrorists. Seriously? Can you imagine being a mother who raised three evil beings? How does she live with herself and what led her children to darkness? I would be horrified.  I don’t understand this will. I don’t understand this life choice. I don’t understand. And I don’t necessarily blame the mothers for their children’s behaviors, but I do wonder how she would explain having raised 3 suicidal terrorists and want to know what she thought led them in this direction.

Life is a mystery.

Wishing you peace, mamas. Love your babies well and be well.


11-17-15 – After I shared this curiosity and couldn’t find any story about the mothers, one showed up.  Here is a link to the heartbreaking article about how their children abandoned them to join a cult. The title is Mothers Of Isis and can be found on Huffingtonpost.com if the link doesn’t work.

Mothers of Isis

Hope in Humanity

Source: @jean_jullien

Paris, you’ve been hurt and are in pain. Yet the love of humanity surrounds you. Your people are opening their doors to help one another. Hold on to hope. 

This is the best of our lives. We love one another and rise up together, supporting each other and our light shines in the darkness, across the world. We lift you up and are so sorry that such evil has been inflicted upon you. 

We will hold on to hope.

We will hold on to love.

We will hold on to each other.

We will fight evil and ISIS and terror every step of the way.

We will never surrender to hell and evil. 

Love wins, always, as it is the greater force.

We will love ourselves and love those who are different than us. This is how we will shape our world. We will teach our kids kindness and compassion and love.

One love.

Love you. Love me. 

Love us.

nAMaste BeLoveRs. 


How to Stay Positive When You’re Brokenhearted

Today was hard. It is the anniversary of Chase Varney’s death today and it sucks. He was only a high school, senior. My son will be a senior next year. This is too close to my heart and I adore and admire his mother and I can only imagine what she is feeling right now. Heart broken.

I felt paralyzed and helpless. I felt anger and sadness and loneliness. I felt compassion and frustration and helplessness. I also felt grateful and guilty. I felt present and short-tempered and nervously laughed a lot. I was anxious.

I am not in control and I feel vulnerable and fearful and sad and mad all at the same time.

How is one supposed to be positive when you’re dealing with such negative feelings?

This is what we need to learn to do. We need to learn to carry on, despite the S*(#.  We need to teach our kids and ourselves that we are going to face ugly moments and days and we can get through them. We don’t have to be perfect. It’s okay to be sad. We get to choose how to deal with the bad things, just as we know how to deal with the good things.  When we make bad choices, we can recover. One bad choice does not define us and this too shall pass. It’s okay to mess up. We’re all still learning. Do our kids really know this? Do they know how to make mistakes? I don’t know for sure, but I’m hoping we teach them to fail and to be resilient.

No one thing or event defines all of us. We can be broken and we can start again. We can be forgiven and we can rebuild. We have to be kind to ourselves and allow the pain to just be without feeding it.

I just ate an entire chocolate bar. I am feeling it. I am lost.

I don’t have to have all the answers and it’s okay to cry my eyes out. I did that tonight. I yelled tonight too. I’m so frustrated.

And then I wiped away my tears, and said enough. I didn’t want to cry the rest of the night. I was crying that ugly cry and it felt good to let it out and I don’t like to lose self control and to cry like that.

Charlie asked if I wanted to hear a good story. Thank God for the littles. I said yes, please. Lift me up and share something good because I am so sad right now. And he did.

He told me how he won a raffle prize tonight for wearing his shirt. Another new kid forgot to wear his member-shirt and this was his first year participating. Charlie chose to give his prize to the new kid and made his night. Seriously? He knows compassion already and to be self-less? Good job, Charlie boy. I am proud of you. You’re getting the meaning behind this life circus. I am proud of you and this story was just the right one I needed to hear tonight. Thank you for this precious gift. Thank you for being you, kind and loving and compassionate.

I smiled. I cried. I smiled again.

We are all a little broken. Let’s choose to take care of each other. Let’s choose to forgive others and ourselves and to offer do-overs and compassion. Let’s support one another and lift each other up.

And just maybe we’ll get through this life happily ever after together.


p.s. These little gifts brought light and warmth to me today, still a year later. Thank you Elizabeth and ML for your gifts of friendship. I love you.