Be the Change

Be the change you want to feel. Create it.  You have the power.

Be the change you want to see. Choose to change your mind to focus on what’s good, and what you’re thankful for instead of all that is wrong with your given moment. This is hard to do, yet it is critical to our happiness, and is totally doable if we give ourselves permission.

Last night I wanted to change my attitude, so I chose to go for a walk. I was in a pissy mood, and needed to move and stretch and be alone to process my thoughts and to get over my negative feelings.  I don’t write about these things because I want to focus on what’s good versus what’s unpleasant. My life is perfectly imperfect and we’re constantly learning and practicing and hopefully getting better all the time.

Life IS unpleasant many times as we pursue happiness, and we all have our unpleasantries, which is why I choose to not write about my own.  I don’t need to share these details because I think we should focus on what we wish to create, which for me is joy and peace and love.  I choose to share my daily reflections and solutions to dealing with what is and seeing the good even when things are frustrating to me. This helps me to overcome the negative feelings too and to continue down my path of happily ever after.

We all get to choose how we react to what is, and Here I Am is about being present and seeking the good in the middle of the busyness and chaos and pissiness.  I know, that’s probably not a word, but doesn’t it sound good?

By going for a walk, I cleared my head and got exercise and released some really good endorphins. I highly recommend going for a long walk when you’re less than happy. It’s so rewarding in so many ways and I came home feeling more peaceful and open minded.

So the next time you’re feeling pissy or down or any other negative feeling, think about what you can do to get through the feeling until it passes and be the change you wish to feel. Don’t wait for someone else. You have the power. Am I right?
